Don’t believe someone else can speak to your customers or audience better than you can. You know your business inside out. That’s why social media is such a godsend. The customer is saying “tell us something, and then we might speak back”.Yet too much is business talk is one way. Getting your message out. Interrupting.
Those days are gone. You now need to listen twice as much as you talk. Really listen. And engage.
Understand your customers. To do that, you have to converse with them without preconceived ideas. Trust them and yourself, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
If you’re a big company, maybe a good consultant might bring in some fresh perspective. If you’re a small business, going outside can be a bad choice. Memorable marketing has been created by small businesses willing to follow their own vision. Anita Roddick famously said “if you think small is a set back, then consider how much an impact a mosquito makes.” You’ll get a 3x return on your own versus the 1x return if you outsource. I know small businesses that sit down with a few bottles of wine, relax and great marketing ideas come.
Before you do anything else, figure out how you win and keep the best customers.
Be edgy if you need to be. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. Not all business is good business. People are smart. They’re well informed. They can draw their own conclusions. Don’t be afraid to take a position you believe in.
Start a conversation. Pick a topic and keep building your brand. You’ll be amazed at what can happen next.