So you have a Start-Up Idea…?

Start Up tips

This slide deck is from a 20-minute talk I gave to the Founders Institute launch this week. I told a few hard knock stories about my own start-up experiences and from other startups I advise and mentor from time to time.

[slideshare id=30334202&sc=no]

The main takeaways are:

  1. ideas are fine, but its’ the execution of the idea that matters
  2. allow your brain to declutter, so ideas come (in the car, bathroom, on the plane)
  3. don’t fall in love with your product, fall in love with your client
  4. work out who your client is (hint: they are the ones paying you money)
  5. if you’re not solving a problem for your client, you won’t create value for them, and won’t be able to charge them anything (so won’t be in business for long)
  6. startups are easy (because you’re buying things), selling things is harder (but without sales, you’re dead)
  7. build a great team of people who (a) genuinely want to help the clients and (b) are willing to learn
  8. it’s never the technology/marketing/strategy…, it’s always about the people in your team
  9. don’t bet the bank… use a lean startup approach because opportunities present themselves just by being out there, so be prepared to pivot
  10. keep calm when under pressure… losing your cool only gets your blood pressure up, and you’ll still have the same problem in 5 minutes time

I hope they prove useful for anyone contemplating starting up a tech business (or any really). They worked (and still work) for me.

What do you reckon…?

About the author

20+ years in Perth’s business, tech, media and startup sectors, from founder through to exit, as CEO, mentor, advisor / investor, and in federal and state government. Originally an economics teacher from the UK, working in Singapore before arriving in Perth in 1997 to do an MBA at UWA. Graduating as top student in 1999, Charlie co-founded, running it for 10+ years before selling to REIWA, to run In 2013, moved to Business News, became CEO, then worked on the Australian government’s Accelerating Commercialisation program. In 2021, helped set up and launch The Property Tribune, and was awarded the Pearcey WA Entrepreneur of the Year (at the 30th Incite Awards). In 2022, he became Director Innovation, running the 'New Industries Fund' at the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI).

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