
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report. Here’s an excerpt: 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 5,100 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 9 years to get that many views....
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A year ago I set myself a challenge. After talking about social media, blogging et al, for many years and telling others to get on board, I had never done much blogging myself. I had written some guest blogs and blogged a bit for my company, but not really grasped the nettle. So 2012 rolled...
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One of my favourite examples of social media engagement is the Peter Shankman Mortons story (the Morton’s Steakhouse turned up with a free steak meal as he landed at Newark airport, after his joke tweet had requested it). The free publicity and branding this resulted in for Mortons was gold. And yet they probably did...
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[youtube] A new toy. A rainy Saturday afternoon. My daughter was eager to learn how to make videos from her iPod Touch, so we downloaded the iMovie app ($5) and we were away. She making funny videos of her friends, and me making some of our recent holiday and an overview of the RE...
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Ten years ago, in between the arrival of child one and child two, we extended our house converting it from a 3 to 4 bedroom. In the process the roof line was pitched upwards and outwards making for a huge space I always figured would be useful one day. And so it was I found...
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[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false]Last year I attended Perth’s first ever ‘RE BarCamp‘, which is a novel way for real estate people to learn more about their craft from from others working in their industry. It is novel in many ways: – it works best if attendees actively share their experiences and are willing to (potentially) give...
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[youtube] Watch the Brian Solis video – go on, it’s only 11 minutes, and he is an entertaining presenter. It’s OK, I can wait til you have finished. I’ll just quietly hum to myself, ho hum, hum, hum… ~~~ 11 minutes passes ~~~ Good wasn’t it? I enjoyed Brian’s beginning with the subtle mickey...
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This weekend I have spent hours with some inspirational ‘can do’ guys and gals and came away awe-inspired. From 100 attendees on Friday night came 45 one-minute pitches and then over the next 2 days 14 teams were formed that worked flat out. The team I ‘mentored’ this afternoon (I did nothing, they were very...
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[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false] The Internet is not free. Not only is this a truism, it is in fact a good thing. If an ebusiness (any business) is to last, it has to create value, and if it creates value, people will pay for that value. Deliver this value in a profitable manner, and you are...
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[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false] A decade or so ago I was whiling away an empty moment copying and pasting pieces of text from my company’s home page into Google, and seeing if it was being picked up. I took the first phrase of the welcome text (which was placed top left) into the search engine and Google...
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About Charlie

For the past two decades, I have driven digital transformation and led change at various innovative companies, obtaining strong results.

Contact me to see if I can help.