[slideshare id=21931922&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] Click the presentation above to watch 20 quick slides on how to publicise your new business. Chock full of advice and examples from my experience with aussiehome.com. Some tips: it’s not sizzle, it about a single, clear message (e.g. Apple’s “Think Different”) people don’t listen anymore, but that’s OK,...Read More
[ted id=28] Almost unbelievable that this classic TED talk from Seth Godin is 10 years old, but still spine tinglingly good. 17 mins of your time spent well. You have an idea, a new product, a new way of doing things… how do you get lift off? Simple, says Godin – make it remarkable –...Read More
Tweet It’s been interesting being on the other side of the world for a couple of weeks with no emails to read, and observing the rhythmic patter of social media output from friends and acquaintances. It’s been a real treat having quality time with my family, literally no work emails and no work to think...Read More
A day after I left REIWA, I addressed the current intake of the Founders Institute – an intense 12 week course for budding entrepreneurs. It was a nostalgic trip down memory lane remembering the 7-month journey from having the idea for aussiehome.com to launch in December 1999. The talk gives 10 tips… view hereRead More
Don’t believe someone else can speak to your customers or audience better than you can. You know your business inside out. That’s why social media is such a godsend. The customer is saying “tell us something, and then we might speak back”.Yet too much is business talk is one way. Getting your message out. Interrupting. ...Read More
Most businesses understand they need a social media presence in much the same way that they knew they needed an Internet presence 15 or so years ago. The typical (and understandable) reactions I have heard from many businesses over the past few years is “I don’t have time” or “I don’t know what to do”....Read More
[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false] A young girl asked her Mum “what’s 5 and 5 Mum?”, to which the Mum replied “Why don’t you tell me darling?” to which the daughter said, “It’s a butterfly!”. Her Mum looked at her quizzically and replied “How so?”. The little girl held her hands up together and made a butterfly...Read More
With my own children now at primary school age, I realize the importance of them learning some key lessons that should hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. One of these lessons is learning what “no” means. It’s incredible how many adults I have met who still do not know what...Read More
Armed with my Banda copies, I would march into 5B business class looking ever so confident with my pre-prepared over head projector (OHP) slides ready for all comers. The burly boys in the back row were suitably unimpressed as I swung into action, but I ploughed on regardless. Business class last thing on a Friday...Read More
After my last post about being (literally) hit by a bull, it was perhaps fitting that I would attend a breakfast on Friday morning, with author, comedian and corporate speaker Andrew Horabin talking about his latest book ‘Bullshift‘. He had placed a copy on every seat, and he went through, in a lively interactive manner, some...Read More