1963 was an interesting year. The grey post war austerity of the 1950s gave way to the thumping rhythms of Merseyside (she luvs you, yeah yeah yeah), a naughty political scandal and an audacious train heist. The Rolling Stones played their first gig. Martin Luther King delivered his ‘I have a Dream‘ speech. JFK was...Read More
Disclaimer upfront – I am an Englishman living in Australia, and I support the English in Ashes contests. I endured the 8 consecutive Ashes defeats of 1989-2003 and I had opportunities to switch allegiances. I had emigrated to Perth in 1997 and became an Australian citizen in 2001. But having caught the cricket bug aged...Read More
Tweet It’s been interesting being on the other side of the world for a couple of weeks with no emails to read, and observing the rhythmic patter of social media output from friends and acquaintances. It’s been a real treat having quality time with my family, literally no work emails and no work to think...Read More
A full version of this post originally appeared in Property Portal Watch … PPT: How long have you been with REIWA? CG: Three years. It’s flown by. Part of me says “hey your job is not over yet!” but then again I suppose I leave something on the table for the next person. PPT: What...Read More
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BwzEAki4u8] I suppose I must have a 13 year itch. After 13 years in school teaching (3 jobs on 3 separate continents 1986-1999) I knew it was time for a change. Strangely, after a similar amount of time in online real estate (2 jobs, coFounder of aussiehome.com then reiwa.com Executive manager, 1999-2013) I also...Read More
There’s a lot of tosh written and spoken about losing weight. Bunkum. I like old fashioned words – they have a strength. Tosh. Bunkum. Piffle. Watched a TV doco last night that debunked all the crazy theories and told it like it is. Worryingly, it started with a lean looking middle aged gent who actually...Read More
My other favourite speaker from today’s TEDxPerth was Tasha Broomhall and her talk about mental health – Are You Blooming? It was extremely personal for me, as my Mum suffered with terrible mental illness problems all the years I knew her; but Tasha deftly handled the subject, with some light hearted touches despite the serious...Read More
[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false] SBS are currently showing 56UP, the latest catch up with a dozen or so people they have been filming since they were 7 year olds back in 1963. I first came across the series in the late 1970s (must have been 21 UP?). I was captivated by the people’s lives, a soap...Read More
[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false]11th of the 11th, Remembrance Day. Being a Sunday, we were all at my son’s cricket match, sitting watching, dogs running about, chatting with fellow parents, encouraging the boys. It was peaceful, sublime, a million miles and almost 100 years away from the terrible action of the trenches in the first world war,...Read More
[tweetmeme source=”ChazGunningham” only_single=false]You may already know, dear reader, that I have been smitten by the bug that is golf, yet my golf has never been all that great. I still spend most Sunday afternoons traversing the opposite fairway roughs of ‘Royal Wembley’ golf course as I zigzag my way twixt tee to green. They say...Read More