
Charlie Gunningham
I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. He rang me up with some exciting news, “I’ve got some exciting news!”. “Yes?” I said, thinking he’s done some brilliant deal with a major client, or someone wanted to invest or buy us out, or something. “I’ve tracked down the owners of that domain name, and...
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[ted id=1230] Have you discovered TED Talks yet? Standing for “Technology Entertainment Design”,  TED is a not for profit devoted to spreading new ideas, and brings together some awesome speakers at various venues all year round. Their best talks are all online ( and they are extremely good, and short! Usually 10 minutes, no more. A...
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I now have internet on my TV. WOW! Just analysing that first sentence is incredible. Internet on my TV. I remember growing up in the 1970s when we all sat down to watch a TV show, as a family, me probably squatting cross legged on the floor. The 6pm TV news was an event in our household....
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Well, I have survived my first day back at work for 2012. Quiet on the roads, Beast of Burden blaring loudly in the car, I made it in at the usual time. The normal start of the year ritual of asking everyone how their Christmases and New Years went as per usual, with everyone slightly tentative...
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The other day a newly released DVD caught my eye as I was browsing for TVs. It was the Rolling Stones’ 1978 ‘Some Girls’ tour film, never before released, digitally remastered from the original 16mm movie.  So I had to have it.  (We also later bought a new TV.) ‘Some Girls’ was the first album...
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I almost set up a blog 5 years ago. My company was contemplating an IPO  at the time and a fellow CEO urged me to blog about the whole dang process. “When will you ever get the chance again?” Good point. I got as far as setting one up, but never did anything. Like so...
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About Charlie

For the past two decades, I have driven digital transformation and led change at various innovative companies, obtaining strong results.

Contact me to see if I can help.